Next Update

Due to my busy schedule I'm going to have to but updates on hold again. I'm hoping to get something up by this summer. Thanks.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Work in Progress: Chamber of Destiny and the Hall of Promise

After a long hiatus from this project I have now roughed out most of the attraction and will start posting monthly updates of my current progress. Right now I'm focusing on the first three areas of the Attraction, the Station/loading area, the Chamber of Destiny, and the Hall of Promise.
My goal is to have a simulated 3D ride through which will run in a web browser using the unity3D game engine.
So you will be able to view the full 3D version on your computer at home by installing the Unity3D plug in. Hopefully I'll have my first working build of this project up and running sometime this summer.

Here's a screen shot of the Hall of Promise. Next posting I should have the Mara and cobra statues finished.

Here is a screen shot of the Chamber of Destiny with one of the jeep vehicles.

Check back February 28th for the next update.

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